• Learn to solve problems like a pro

    We don't just scroll through the menus and push all the buttons. We learn how to understand Excel and solve problems.

  • See realistic data – the kind you get at work

    So many Excel courses use neat tables of sales figures in examples. But in real life, work and personal data can be confusing and messy.

  • Stay engaged with our student-teacher format

    Lucy was introduced to concepts ‘live’ on camera. She starts from almost nothing. Johnny has used Excel at work for decades. Classmates learn along with Lucy, fly-on-the-wall style.

"Informative, accessible and a heap of fun – Learn with Lucy demystifies 'Excel logic' and empowers you to make the most out of Excel as a practical, everyday problem-solving tool."Tyler

Course format

📺 Lesson videos – Structured lessons where we learn Excel features. And practical lessons where we improve an existing sheet. 

📚 Supportive downloads – Colourful summary PDFs, lesson sheets to review, and practise sheets with exercises. 

🙋 Quizzes – A fun way to reinforce what we learn in each chapter. 

Bonus material 

👔 Business Class – These lessons pack a punch. We learn techniques to solve some common work problems using realistic, messy data. 

🪽 VLOOKUP Wings – Students who take on the mighty VLOOKUP function earn their Wings (a shiny limited-edition sticker). We salute you. 

🧭 The course map – A mind map of the course, with links to lesson videos. Need to review something? Search the notes to find the right lesson.

" ... a big thank you for this really nice and helpful Excel course! It was a pleasure to take."


View the curriculum

We start easy, go slow, and build each lesson on the last – before you know it you'll be an Excel nerd.

  • 14 hours of lesson videos
  • 19 quizzes
  • 23 summary sheets
  • Exercise sheets
  • Sample data sets to play with
  • Completion certificate and sticker

Download the full curriculum with learning objectives here.

See how we work

(press the bottom right button to expand player)

Introduction to functions

Introduction to Tables

Introduction to Pivot Tables

Business Class


"This is the first Excel course that I have looked forward to doing as it's so engaging and interesting! The way it's delivered takes away the 'boring' feeling of spreadsheet lessons and really has you listening and even wanting more. I learned so many things that I had no idea about and I’m excited to use these skills in my job."



Johnny has a background managing complex computer-related things at work. His first computer was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum (nerd alert). He uses Excel every day to store and manipulate data.

Lucy was a science writer who could nose around inside Excel, but didn’t know how to use it. Treating it as a handy grid, she manually entered numbers after doing maths on a calculator (eep).

About us

“I completed the course last week and it's excellent. Easy to follow and even though I consider myself an advanced Excel user ... I actually learned quite a few new things I had no idea about. I have already signed both of my parents up as they are aware of Excel, but want to understand Excel properly and the initial feedback from them is also excellent. I thoroughly approve.”



  • There’s a lot of Excel courses, why should we trust you?

    It takes time to become proficient at one of the most complicated and important software tools in the world. We're not going to lie and say we can teach you Excel in an hour. The kicker is, you need to be patient and do the work, until the end. But it's only 14 hours long. Game of Thrones is 63.5 hours all up, so there's no excuses! If you watch the videos, read the summary sheets, do the quizzes and practise sheets (like Lucy), we believe that you will understand Excel better than most people. Lucy is this course's first student. At the start she couldn't use Excel, now she can. Soon it will be you that colleagues ask for Excel help!

  • Why pay for a course when YouTube is free?

    YouTube is great for tips and quick fixes. But it's not a learning platform. Our course is hosted on Thinkific – a place designed to help online students succeed. You'll stay motivated by tracking your progress, and doing quizzes and exercises to reinforce the lessons. By the end you will *understand* Excel – not just know some buttons and functions. Free tips and tricks will only get you so far. We'll give you the deep knowledge you'll rely on throughout your career.

  • Will I be learning the right things for a beginner?

    Johnny took a lot of care preparing the lesson plans. The curriculum covers a manageable range of functions, features, keyboard shortcuts, and techniques. We'll give you the fundamentals you need, and none of the stuff you don't.

  • Can I get my boss to pay for this?

    An excellent idea! Bosses often have training budgets they need to spend and aren't sure how. If not, maybe you could claim it as a tax deduction. It'll depend if Excel is central to your job. Ask your accountant (or check your government's tax website) if this course counts as work-related self-education.

  • How long are the lesson videos?

    The average length is about 15 minutes – bite-sized so they're couch/commute-friendly.

  • Do you have a money-back guarantee?

    You get full access to this course, forever, in one easy payment. Including to any new content we may add. Our money-back guarantee applies within 7 days of purchase. No questions asked.

  • Does it matter if I have a Mac or PC?

    No. We use a Mac with Office 365. But Excel is basically the same on PCs apart from the shortcut keys and the layout of some areas. We highlight this where relevant.

  • What's with the chickens?

    They inspired the first section of this course. And they kept us sane while we were making it. Thank you ladies.

  • Who is Johnny.Decimal?

    Learn with Lucy is a subsidiary of Johnny.Decimal, another thing that we do. So don't be alarmed if you see that name or logo on any emails, payment receipts, or within your student dashboard. You're in the right place. We have more than one course on our learning platform. We've customised as much information as we can so as not to be confusing. But just a heads up in case something slips through.

  • Contact

    👋 Hello future Excel nerd. If you have a question about the course, or have any trouble signing up, or just want to know what the weather is like in Canberra today, let me know. I'm here to help: [email protected]

  • Privacy

    🙈🙉🙊 We take your privacy seriously. STUDENTS. This course is hosted on the Thinkific learning platform. They have their own privacy policy which you should check out if you're interested. If you'e an enrolled student, the only information we can see of yours is an email address. (The exception is if you earn your VLOOKUP Wings (which we hope you do). Then we'll need your postal address to send your sticker. This is collected via a one-off AirTable form. We don't keep it.) You're amazing. But we bet you get a lot of email. We have no interest in emailing you outside of the bare minimum (i.e. the course enrolment and completion process). This includes (very) infrequent progress reminders to keep you motivated. You can opt out of these reminders at any time. Of course, if you email us first or ask a question inside the course platform we'll happily reply. ANYONE ELSE. If you found us some other way (e.g. LinkedIn). The same goes. If you email us questions, we'll happily answer them. But we're not going to spam you. You can tell us at any time to not contact you again.